Crowell Kela


Kela Crowell

7th Grade Math & Pre-Algebra Teacher
Platte City Middle School

First, I want you to know that I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity to spend this school year with your children! 

Since 2011 - when I finished my Master's in Teaching at Park University - I have been able to teach Science to 6th graders as well as Math to 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  During this time, I also completed my Master's in Curriculum and Assessment from Park University, but my education hasn't stopped there.  Each year, students continue to push and challenge me to grow as a teacher, for which I am very grateful!         

Throughout the year, as we - both students and myself - work and problem solve our way through Math concepts, I hope to instill a love for the subject and education in general in each student.  I am excited for and can't wait to see what we can learn this year!

Contact Information


Room:  712

Email:  [email protected]

Phone:  816-858-2036 x. 2642

I am available for phone calls daily during 4th or 5th Hours.